Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
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How to Choose a Medical Ozone Generator

Choosing a medical ozone generator, most doctors take into account, first of all, pricing information and disregard technical aspects and safety points of medical ozone generators. Unfortunately, some sellers take advantage of missing recommendations for choice of appropriate equipment by spreading a misconception regarding technical characteristics and performance capacity of equipment.

Below are some reasonable recommendations, which should be considered when choosing a medical ozone generator.
Otherwise it may be too late when you understand that your purchase is hardly suitable for medical use. Once your technician has got familiar with the technical documentation, it becomes evident that
  • The manufacturer did not indicate durability of the ozonization chamber (the most important parameter and at the same time the most "weak" point of ozone generator)!
  • The manufacturer did not indicate i.e. did not guarantee accuracy in maintaining the chosen ozone concentration!
  • The manufacturer did not enclose test results received before shipping, and the built-in ozone concentration measurer is not tested for accuracy!
As proofs of the above mentioned we would like to make a comparison between 2 types of medical ozone generator: the traditional unit and the unit of the New-Generation Medozons-BM with regards to the parameters defining the dose-depending factor, efficiency and safety of treatment. For comparison we have used the technical characteristics provided by the manufacturers.
It is a fact that most of available "traditional" ozone generators do not comply with the actual requirements for dosage accuracy, efficiency and safety of treatment and therefore can be hardly suitable for medical use, below we would like to provide a few illustrative examples:

Already after 100 hours of operation the "traditional" ozone generator indicates significant variations between the display reading and the actually delivered ozone concentration. This problem was many times discussed by medical scientists (Prof. V. Bocci, 1996; G.A. Boyarinov, MD, 1998).
The "traditional" ozone generators do not have an automatic mode of setting and maintaining the chosen ozone concentration and flow-rate.

The "traditional" ozone generators are not reliable within the low and medium range of ozone concentrations that makes impossible to use most of the methods developed by the Russian school of ozone therapy.
It is a time to exchange "traditional" ozone generators with up-to-date ozone generators like medical ozone generators of Medozons series because most of available "traditional" ozone generators do not comply with the actual requirements for dosage accuracy and safety of medical equipment and thus do not allow using medical ozone like the generally accepted medicines.
And now a little of humor
"The Traditional Ozone Generator" - to be operated "manually"
"The Up-to-date Ozone Generator" - the process of ozone generation is completely automated.
A medical practitioner using the "traditional" ozone generator has to continually control stability of treatment parameters (ozone concentration and flow-rate) by regulating them manually.
A happy user of the ozone generator of Medozons series has much more spare time to comprehend ozone therapy mysteries
Ozone Therapy
In Different Fields Of Medicine
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