Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
Equipment and Accessories for Modern High-Effective Technology of Ozone Therapy and Ozone prophylaxis
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Medozons-Set for Rectal Ozone Insufflations

Order-No. 30\01
The Medozons-Set is designed for:
  1. Rectal insufflations of ozone/oxygen gas mixtures;
  2. Transporting ozone/oxygen gas mixtures to the place where the treatment will be actually performed.
  1. O2/O3-collecting dosage bag 1000 ml;
  2. Tube for obtaining O2/O3 mixture from the ozone generator;
  3. Luer-cannula with a protection cap;
  4. Reverse valve;
  5. Draining faucet;
  6. Syringe filling adapter / connection adapter;
  7. Connection tubing;
  8. Rectal catheter.

As demonstrated above the Medozons-Set is ready for use.
All connections of the Medozons-Set should be made according to the schema "Luer-Luer". With assistance of the Medozons-Set you can perform a treatment high-effectively and convenient for the patient. The Medozons-Set eliminates any risk of intestine ischemia during rectal insufflations!
Additional Information
The Medozons-Set can be also used as a container for transporting ozone/oxygen gas mixtures from the area where the ozone generator is located to another place where the ozone/oxygen mixture will be actually used. In this case, to perform acupuncture therapy, major or minor autohaemotherapy, subcutaneous and intra-articular ozone injections, an ozone/oxygen gas mixture is taken into a syringe via the adapter (6).
Ordering information
How to take an O2/O3 Gas Mixture from the Ozone Generator into a Dosage Bag
Set the mode "WORK" on the ozone generator; remove an ozone/oxygen gas mixture with intermediate ozone concentration to a destructor (through the side O3 outlet).

  • Assemble the construction.
  • Take out a protection cap of the tube for obtaining O2/O3 from the ozone generator. Take a gas mixture from the ozone generator through the syringe filling port on the front panel, ozone concentration and delivery time in seconds will be indicating on the display.
  • The volume of gas mixture delivered is equivalent to the multiplication result of the given flow-rate and delivery time.

How to take an O2/O3 Gas Mixture from the Dosage Bag into a Syringe
Ozone Therapy
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