This method is based on much longer and gentle contact of ozone dissolved in physiological sodium chloride solution with the internal environment of the patient when ozone drop by drop, molecule by molecule is put into blood circulation and immediately reacts with blood components, so the whole blood quantity being in circulation comes in contact with ozone therefore producing much better and prolonged therapeutic effects.
Based on the use of considerably lower ozone concentrations as compared with the Western school of ozone therapy this method yields normalization of oxidoreduction potential of the organism.
In case of initial prooxidant shift characteristic of acute inflammatory diseases it activates the antioxidant defense system (AOD) therefore producing an anti-inflammatory effect, on the contrary, in case of initial hyperactivity of AOD characteristic of chronic, sluggish process ozone induces a prooxidant shift therefore decreasing the level of AOD.
As recommended by the Russian Association of Ozone Therapy this method is an integral part of almost all treatment protocols of different medical problems being successfully used as a monotherapy or in combination with local methods of ozone therapy or with traditional medicines to support their therapeutic effect.