2021-04-01 06:07

WHO, COVID-19 and Ozone Saline Solution, an Application Route of Ozone Therapy

WHO (World Health Organization) has just published in its virtual library "COVID-19 — Global literature on coronavirus disease" three papers on Ozone Saline Solution, a route of application of ozone therapy, as a complementary therapy, and COVID-19.

(1) Complementary application of the ozonized saline solution in mild and severe patients with pneumonia COVID-19: A non-randomized pilot study

Schwartz, A.; Martínez-Sánchez, G.; de Lucía, A. M.; Viana, S. M.; Constanta, A. M. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research; 9(2):126−146, 2021. Article | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-984 802 802

The research was carried out in mild and severe patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at the Viamed Virgen de la Paloma Hospital in Madrid (Spain). It yielded very positive and quick results, using the Ozone Saline Solution — an application route of ozone therapy, as complementary therapy.

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(2) Potential Cytoprotective Activity of Ozone Therapy in SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

Martínez-Sánchez, Gregorio; Schwartz, Adriana; Donna, Vincenzo Di.

Antioxidants (Basel); 9(5)2020 May 06. Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-854 062 062

The scientific journal where this paper has been published has an impact level 5.014, H index 33

Cite Score 3.7. For an article in support of the medical use of ozone, this is the published article with the highest impact index.

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(3) Potential use of ozone in SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19

International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy.

Non-conventional | Grey literature | ID: grc-743 616

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